St. Mary's Primary School


Dungarvan Brass Band

Updated: 9th Sep 2018

St. Mary’s were delighted to welcome members of the Dungarvan Brass Band last Friday, 7th of September, for a demonstration. (more…)

Fourth Class 2018/2019

Updated: 9th Sep 2018

Fourth Class students were delighted and excited to return to school on Thursday, 30th of August. (more…)

A New School Year Begins

Updated: 21st Aug 2018

As our summer holidays come to an end, we hope you are all looking forward to returning to school on Thursday 30th August at 8.50am. (more…)


Updated: 21st Aug 2018

As we prepare to embark on a new school year; we must, unfortunately, say goodbye to two longstanding staff members who have retired this year.

Fourth Class Scool Tour 2018

Updated: 22nd Jul 2018

Fourth Class must have had one of the hottest days of the year for their school tour this year. (more…)

Entente Florale 2018

Updated: 22nd Jul 2018

Dungarvan was chosen to represent Ireland in this year’s Entente Florale competition, along with Inistioge, Co. Kilkenny. (more…)

2nd Class Activities-Summer 2018

Updated: 10th Jul 2018

Second Class had a very enjoyable last few weeks in school before their summer holidays. They had a fantastic time on their school tour in Activate, Waterford. They demonstrated their capabilities on the Climbing Wall, their accuracy in Laser Tag and had great fun in the Soft Play area. (more…)

6th Class Activities-Summer 2018

Updated: 10th Jul 2018

During the last week of school the voice of Edith Piaff could be heard as you entered the senior building of St Mary’s PS.- 6th class girls were dressed in the French national colours and even some were sporting the traditional French moustache! (more…)

Busy Times for 2nd Class 2018

Updated: 10th Jun 2018

It has been a very busy time for the girls of 2nd Class and their teachers, Ms. McGrath and Mrs. Gildea. They celebrated their First Holy Communion on the 28th of April 2018.  The girls were very busy all year preparing for this special day. The beautiful artwork created over that time was admired by all on the day. (more…)

Sporting Activities 2018

Updated: 20th May 2018

St. Mary’s pupils engage in many physical activities throughout the school year, however, it has been a particularly busy few weeks for the students recently.

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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