St. Mary's Primary School


All Go In Junior Infants

Updated: 8th Feb 2022

It’s been all go in Ms.Smith’s junior infants of late. Not only are the boys and girls blending letter sounds, but they are now writing cvc words. They also got to enjoy counting and maths games. What clever cookies we have! (more…)

Senior Infants Get On Their Bikes

Updated: 8th Feb 2022

Ms. Kiely’s and Ms. O’Connor’s senior infants were ecstatic to visit the new cycle track. They got to show off their cycling skills in front of their teacher and friends. It gave the children a chance to learn to cycle on a ‘real life’ road, with lines, pedestrian crossings and signs. We may have a future Tour de France winner in our midst! (more…)

Junior Infants:Trip To The Playground

Updated: 8th Feb 2022

The three junior infant classes chose a beautiful Spring morning to take a trip to the playground. The boys and girls had a ball playing with their friends and would like to know if they can go back again this week! (more…)

First Class:Trip To The Playground

Updated: 8th Feb 2022

Ms. Kiely’s class thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the local playground judging by these photos! They can’t wait to visit again. (more…)

Wacky Walking Wednesday

Updated: 7th Feb 2022

The highlight of Wellness Week for most was Wacky Walking Wednesday. The children were asked to dress up in bright colourful clothes with a side helping of wackiness! Each class got to stretch their legs by going on a walk outside of the school grounds. Most classes ventured to the local playground where they had fun with their friends. Others went for a sensory stroll down by the shoreline. It was so nice to see the boys and girls smiling,  laughing and enjoying the chats! (more…)

Wellness Week

Updated: 7th Feb 2022

Once again Mrs. Barry organised our annual Wellness Week. The aim is to raise awareness of the importance of taking care of our own wellbeing. There were so many activities in each class throughout the week. The topic of mindfulness was introduced, random acts of kindness were performed, daily affirmations were recited, beautiful books with special messages were read, healthy eating was promoted and we even had self defence classes from Ross B. Eimear from Moments of Sparkle provided mindfulness workshops to some of our classes. Thank you to you both for visiting. The highlight for most was Wacky Walking Wednesday. It was a most enjoyable week for both children and staff. (more…)

Searching For Tricky Words

Updated: 7th Feb 2022

Ms. Cleary’s junior infants triggered their imaginations and became detectives for the day. Their case was to search for the Jolly Phonics tricky words using their new colourful detective lights. (more…)

Exploring The Arctic And Antarctica

Updated: 3rd Feb 2022

The three junior infant classes have become intrepid explorers and have been learning about the Arctic and Antarctica. They have had great fun exploring the Polar regions. The boys and girls got to build igloos, made polar animals from Playdoh and have taken part in Arctic small world play. They also made beautiful art pieces based on the Northern Lights. Keep enjoying the adventures! (more…)

The Gruffalo

Updated: 24th Jan 2022

Ms. O’ Connor’s senior infants had fun exploring the wonderful story of The Gruffalo. They loved finding the rhyming words and imagining their own trail through the forest. They were inspired to create art pieces after listening to the story and decorated Gruffalo mini muffins. These were munched on fairly quickly! (more…)

Antarctica Aistear

Updated: 24th Jan 2022

Ms. Smith’s Junior infants have been busy learning about Antarctica during Aistear time this week. They loved messy play and creating beautiful art pieces using their colouring, painting and cutting skills. The boys and girls got to listen to some lovely stories and learned about igloos and penguins. They even played with some Polar animals. What a lovely theme! (more…)

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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