St. Mary's Primary School


Sports Day 2022

Updated: 14th Jun 2022

Ms. Solich’s Class enjoying Sports Day

Sports Day 2022

Updated: 13th Jun 2022

Sports Day was held today in perfect weather conditions. The children had been eagerly awaiting for their first proper Sports Day in 3 years and they were not disappointed. (more…)

Library Visit

Updated: 13th Jun 2022

Ms. Carroll Lawler’s Class recently enjoyed a visit to our local library. An amazing resource on our doorstep with fantastic services. (more…)

Senior Infants School Tour

Updated: 3rd Jun 2022

Ms. Dwane’s class had a fantastic day at the Causeway Tennis Club recently. They enjoyed many activities in the glorious sunshine, under the guidance of Shelley Mernin. (more…)

1st/2nd Class School Tour

Updated: 3rd Jun 2022

Ms. Solich’s class enjoyed a fun filled day at the Causeway Tennis Club under the guidance of Shelley Mernin. (more…)

Athletics Training

Updated: 3rd Jun 2022

The pupils of St Mary’s enjoyed a spell of athletic sessions under the guidance of Ms. Harty and Ms. Smith. (more…)

STEM with Dungarvan College

Updated: 20th May 2022

4th and 5th Class thoroughly enjoyed their recent trip to Dungarvan College to partake in some STEM activities.

World Bee Day 2022

Updated: 20th May 2022

Today is World Bee Day which aims to raise awareness of bees and beekeeping and informs us of the importance of their role in our ecosystem. We were very lucky recently to have Cormac Lynch, a young beekeeper, pay us a visit. (more…)

Planting, growing and eating cress in Senior Infants

Updated: 14th May 2022


Active School Week-Senior Infants

Updated: 8th May 2022

Tuesday Tunes and Walk on Wednesday during Active School Week for Ms. Kiely’s Senior Infants. (more…)

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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