St. Mary's Primary School


Ruby’s poem

Updated: 13th Dec 2020

Waterford   by Ruby Flanagan.

Waterford my county, I love with all my heart. Nowhere can compare to it, from you I’ll never part.

The waving of the flags, the sea of blue and white. All your fans may not be present, but we will sing with all our might.

After waiting 61 long years, the Liam is in our sight. Limerick, I hope you are ready…You are in for one hell of a fight.

What a wonderful poem by our 6th class pupil Ruby Flanagan. What a very talented young lady! Let’s hope the Liam McCarthy Cup will be on it’s way back to the Déise.

Blue and White Day

Updated: 13th Dec 2020

The second of our Fun Fridays had to have the theme of Blue and White Day given the weekend that was in it. Who would have predicted that we would have Christmas decorations and Waterford bunting up at the same time!! The school was awash with blue and white. (more…)

Junior Infant Nativity

Updated: 13th Dec 2020

Our two junior infant classes got their first taste of performing on stage. After many weeks of rehearsals, they took to the steps of the Assembly Area to perform their version of The Nativity. They were great to remember their lines and sung their songs with such enthusiasm. (more…)


Updated: 13th Dec 2020

Dance was our PE strand for the month of December. Once again our teachers had to adapt and keep the children in their pods. Ms. McGovern’s 5th and 6th class created their own dances, while Ms. O’ Keeffe’s 2nd class had a pod dance off. (more…)

Christmas Carol Singing

Updated: 13th Dec 2020

Our friendship with the residents of Dunabbey House continued again this week. The sixth class girls were delighted to venture outside the school grounds!! The residents were treated to Christmas carols which were sung beautifully by our girls. They had been practicing outdoors in school beforehand and were thrilled to be able to sing on the day. (more…)

The Jolly Christmas Postman

Updated: 9th Dec 2020

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in St. Mary’s. Our three senior infant classes had been rehearsing their Christmas performance based on the book The Jolly Christmas Postman over the last couple of weeks. Each class got to perform separately in their pods on stage.  (more…)

Festive Friday

Updated: 6th Dec 2020

Our three senior infant classes got into the festive spirit last Friday when they held Festive Friday. There was a sense of excitement in the air as they wore festive headgear to school. They got to decorate bauble biscuits while Christmas songs played in the background. (more…)

Fluffy Friday

Updated: 6th Dec 2020

We have decided to hold Fun Fridays over the month of December. First week up, and fifth/sixth class decided to hold Fluffy Friday. All the girls wore their fluffy socks and brought their fluffy blankets to school. They looked so comfy and enjoyed this lovely treat. (more…)

Swedish Penpals

Updated: 6th Dec 2020

Third class have been bitten by the writing bug. Not only did they write letters to the residents of Dunabbey House, but now they are writing to their Swedish penpals. They were delighted to get the opportunity to show off their letter writing skills once again and are eagerly awaiting a reply in the New Year.

The Gingerbread Man

Updated: 29th Nov 2020

Junior infants worked on The Gingerbread Man story in Aistear this week. (more…)

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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