St. Mary's Primary School


Inside Out Day

Updated: 8th Feb 2021

Some of our classes wore their clothes inside out for the day. Even Mrs. Ryan and Ms. Cleary got in on the act!! This was to raise awareness to always be kind and think of others. How someone looks on the outside, might not reflect how they are truly feeling on the inside. What a fabulous idea. (more…)

St. Brigid’s Day

Updated: 2nd Feb 2021

Even though we were not in school, we still managed to celebrate St. Brigid’s Day. She is our only female national saint and most classes were reminded of all the good deeds that Brigid carried out. (more…)

Budding Artists in Second Class

Updated: 2nd Feb 2021

Ms. O’ Keeffe’s second class girls have been showing off their artistic flair. They seem to enjoy using art to showcase their talents. Well done girls.

Online Learning

Updated: 2nd Feb 2021

All of the classes have been great to engage with the online learning. Pictured below are just some of the children completing tasks set by their teachers. From maths to handwriting, PE to english, they have worked tirelessly to continue to learn despite lockdown. Keep up the super work!  (more…)

Well Done Certs

Updated: 2nd Feb 2021

Ms. Kiely’s boys and girls have been working really hard over the last number of weeks. As a reward for all their hard work, they received certificates from their teacher who is very proud of them. (more…)

Senior Infant Science Experiments

Updated: 2nd Feb 2021

Ms. Kiely’s class enjoyed their science experiment this week. They were investigating the effects of salt on ice.

Worry Monsters

Updated: 2nd Feb 2021

Junior infants are working on wellness this week. They have created some wonderful worry monsters. The idea behind these is that the children can share any worries that they have with their monster. The worry monster will then eat their worry and make it disappear!

Alphabet Scavenger Hunt

Updated: 27th Jan 2021

Ms. Healy’s class were challenged to complete an alphabet scavenger hunt. They went around their homes to look for items beginning with each letter of the alphabet. Some letters were easier than others to find, so well done on completing the task.

Reward for Hard Work

Updated: 27th Jan 2021

Ailish was feeling very proud of herself last Friday, after receiving her certificate for successfully completing all of her online activities. Congratulations Ailish.

Keeping Busy with Junior Infants

Updated: 27th Jan 2021

Ms. Cleary’s junior infants have been keeping themselves very busy this week. They have been taking part in art, english, PE and many maths activities. Way to go guys! (more…)

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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