St. Mary's Primary School


Junior Infants Sending Love

Updated: 12th Feb 2021

This week junior infants were learning about the journey of a letter. They each received a postcard from Ms. Cleary and Mrs. Ryan with a little heart on the front. (more…)

STEM Love Bugs

Updated: 12th Feb 2021

With St. Valentine’s Day fast approaching, senior infants were tasked with making a love bug. Some chose to make theirs from lego, some used food while others went down the art and craft route. The boys and girls are all about spreading the love! (more…)

St. Valentine’s Scavenger Hunt

Updated: 12th Feb 2021

Ms. Healy’s class are loving the scavenger hunts being set. This week’s theme was St. Valentine’s Day. The boys and girls had to find things from around their homes that tied in with the romantic theme. (more…)

Senior Infant STEM Challenges Continue

Updated: 12th Feb 2021

This week the senior infants were asked to create a beautiful bracelet using an empty toilet roll holder. They are going to gift it to someone in their family for St. Valentine’s Day on Sunday. What a lovely idea. (more…)

Ms. Carroll-Lawler’s Classroom

Updated: 12th Feb 2021

Eli and Logan have been very busy again this week. They took part in a fizzing ice experiment, a melted snowman piece of art, matching games and fine motor skills. Well done boys!

Pen Licences

Updated: 8th Feb 2021

Ms. McGovern was accepting entries of neatly written pieces of work by pupils who felt that they deserve a pen licence. (more…)

Feel Good Music Playlists

Updated: 8th Feb 2021

The fifth/sixth class girls had the task of compiling their feel good music playlists. They had to choose their most favourite songs to put on their list. This was a difficult task I’m sure. What would you choose? (more…)

PE in Fifth and Sixth Class

Updated: 8th Feb 2021

The girls have been enjoying taking part in PE circuits and have even been working on their mapping skills by drawing orienteering maps. They have been linking two subjects together… geography with PE. Well done! (more…)

Martin Luther King Day

Updated: 8th Feb 2021

Ms. McGovern’s fifth and sixth class were inspired by Martin Luther King and what he stood for. His most famous speech gave us the iconic line…I have a dream. They created some lovely art pieces on the day.

Fifth Class Happenings

Updated: 22nd Feb 2021

Ms. Power’s fifth class have been keeping themselves busy during lockdown. They have been discovering the walking water science experiment, creating dreamcatchers and by performing the popular Jerusalema dance to name a few. What brilliant ways to keep themselves busy! (more…)

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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