St. Mary's Primary School


Out and About at Easter

Updated: 21st Apr 2021

Mrs. Ryan’s boys and girls got to enjoy the great outdoors. They took part in an Easter egg hunt and in a “That’s Not Our Easter Egg” challenge. They had to search for Easter eggs hidden in the grass and they used colours around the school to fill in the blanks on the “That’s Not Our Easter Egg” book challenge. What wonderful ways to get out and about! (more…)

More Chocolate Nests

Updated: 21st Apr 2021

Some more of our infant classes got in on the act and made more chocolate nests. The ingredients included Rice Krispies, chocolate and mini eggs. Sounds delicious! Judging by the photos, we have some budding bakers in the mix.  (more…)

Food for Easter Bunny

Updated: 21st Apr 2021

Mrs. Ryan’s class were very busy making special food for the Easter Bunny. Surely they will get egg-tra chocolate eggs for their efforts! (more…)

Easter Egg Hunt

Updated: 21st Apr 2021

Our sensory garden was the venue for our Easter egg hunt. The senior infant classes were eggcited to use their maths skills to crack the special Easter code.


Chocolate Nests

Updated: 21st Apr 2021

Ms. Kiely’s senior infants enjoyed learning about the lifecycle of a chick. They enjoyed making chocolate nests even more!! They mixed cornflakes and chocolate together and added mini eggs on top. Eggcellent work senior infants! (more…)

Easter Tables Blitz

Updated: 21st Apr 2021

Both first classes were rewarded with an Easter tables blitz for being so good at learning their tables. There was great competition among the students to reach the final. Congratulations to our prize winners. (more…)

Spring Has Sprung

Updated: 22nd Mar 2021

Ms. O’ Connor’s senior infants got a lovely treat today, when their teacher brought in a bird’s nest. It had been abandoned so it was ok to bring into school for the children to look at. (more…)

Third Class And Their Swedish Penpals

Updated: 21st Mar 2021

You may remember that Ms. Kiely’s class wrote to their Swedish penpals back in December. Well, they finally received a reply this week and boy was it worth the wait! (more…)

Video Snippets From SnaG

Updated: 21st Mar 2021

Below are some video snippets from the different activities that took place during Seachtain na Gaeilge. Looks like great fun!

SnaG Colouring Competition Winners

Updated: 21st Mar 2021

Throughout Seachtain na Gaeilge, each class took part in a colouring competition. Each of the winners received their prize on Friday. Comhghairdeachas do gach duine! Pictured below are some of the prizewinners.  (more…)

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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