St. Mary's Primary School


Science Week:Fifth Class

Updated: 14th Nov 2021

Fifth class threw themselves wholeheartedly into Science Week. They enjoyed many activities and experiments over several days. Once again, their science box was provided by Lismore Primary Science. They looked at acids, bases, the ph scale and even chemical reactions when making lava lamps and rockets. Well done girls, you are quite the scientists! (more…)

Science Week:Fourth Class

Updated: 14th Nov 2021

Fourth class had a memorable topic for Science Week … Disgusting Digestion! The girls were delighted and disgusted at the same time. It was a run through of human digestion from table, all the way to the toilet!! Thanks again to Lismore Primary Science for providing the science kits. The girls also got to show off their engineering skills by constructing towers using cocktail sticks and clay. Impressive efforts!  (more…)

Science Week:First/Second Class

Updated: 14th Nov 2021

Ms. Solich’s class enjoyed science activities both indoors and outdoors. Thanks again to Lismore Primary Science for delivering the science boxes. They also got creative and designed habitats for badgers using matchsticks.  Lots of fun was had this week. (more…)

Science Week:Senior Infants

Updated: 14th Nov 2021

Both senior infant classes entered into the spirit of Science Week if the photos are anything to go by! Once again a big thank you to Lismore Primary Science for providing the science boxes. The boys and girls discovered volcano fun, the magic glove experiment and static electricity on balloons to name a few. (more…)

Science Week:Junior Infants

Updated: 22nd Nov 2021

The junior infants thoroughly enjoyed their first experience of Science Week. We are very grateful to Lismore Primary Science for supplying the science boxes to each of the classes. The different experiments had fizz, whizz and wow! They got to take part in some volcano fun and a magic glove experiment. The boys and girls were amazed at the results and couldn’t believe their eyes. (more…)

Witches Walk

Updated: 1st Nov 2021

To say that there was huge excitement for the return of our annual Witches Walk was an understatement! Not only is it a day where both the children and staff dress up, but it’s a vital fundraiser for the school too. This year, there were three different walking routes with classes assigned to each. This ensured that everybody was safe and classes could socially distance. As always, there was an amazing atmosphere in school throughout the day. A big thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser and to all the children for getting into the Halloween spirit. (more…)

Halloween Art Competition

Updated: 31st Oct 2021

Sixth class decided to run a Halloween colouring competition. Each class were involved and there were two prizes in each room up for grabs. Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to our sixth class girls for organising. Also receiving prizes for the Halloween raffle were Becky and Amy. Congratulations to both of you too.  (more…)

First Class Happenings

Updated: 31st Oct 2021

Ms. Kiely’s first class have been keeping themselves busy towards the end of this term. They were involved with collecting leaves for hedgehog art, a maths trail, poetry writing and Halloween art. Well done on taking part in all those activities. (more…)

Maths Trail

Updated: 20th Oct 2021

To celebrate Maths Week, Ms. Harty brought her maths groups out and about on a maths trail. The girls had to use various maths skills to answer the questions. They were estimating, counting, finding shapes, discussing odd and even numbers and using their school environment. The girls enjoyed the break away from the classroom and are looking forward to the next one already! (more…)

Literacy Lift Off

Updated: 20th Oct 2021

Our senior infants and first classes have enjoyed their first term of literacy lift off which took place two or three mornings a week. The boys and girls are involved in two reading stations, a phonics station and a writing station. We are so lucky to have this worthwhile initiative still going strong after all these years. The pupils have great fun each day and love reading new books. (more…)

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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