St. Mary's Primary School


Aistear: Down On The Farm

Updated: 28th Feb 2022

Mrs. Ryan’s junior infants explored the theme of the farm in Aistear. The children played with farm animals in the small world area, made sheep, constructed a stable for the horses, completed farm jigsaws and collaborated to make group pictures of the farm. The boys and girls really connected with this theme. (more…)

Outdoor Phonics

Updated: 28th Feb 2022

Mrs. Ryan’s junior infants enjoyed a phonics lesson outdoors. Using chalk, they used their blending skills to write down familiar cvc words. Great work everybody! (more…)

Maths Made Fun

Updated: 28th Feb 2022

Mr. Curran’s first class, got a chance to bring maths to life. They learned how to measure the lengths of different lines in the playground using a trundle wheel. They also measured the length and width of the playground. Well done everybody, a very practical skill to learn! (more…)

Jigsaw Joy

Updated: 15th Feb 2022

Mrs. Ryan’s class were delighted to work together in teams to make giant jigsaw puzzles. They relished in the challenge and were so proud of their efforts. Thank you to Mrs. Mulcahy for providing the new jigsaws. Well done everybody! (more…)

Spring Has Sprung

Updated: 15th Feb 2022

The theme in Mrs. Ryan’s junior infant room this week is Spring. The class have been focusing on their fine motor skills by cutting up flowers, making Playdoh flowers, fork painting Spring flowers and using pegs and pegboards to make interesting flowers. They have also created beautiful St. Valentine’s Day art for their someone special. (more…)

Friendly Faces

Updated: 14th Feb 2022

Ms. Carroll-Lawler’s class have been making friends with the first class boys and girls recently. They love visiting their besties for playtime each day. The children have also been enjoying lots of activities in their classroom. They are improving their fine motor skills whilst making jigsaws and using construction toys. The boys and girls have also made some lovely St. Valentine’s Day art. Looks like it’s smiles all round! (more…)

Mastering Maths

Updated: 14th Feb 2022

Mrs. O’ Regan’s sixth class have been busy taking part in maths stations in the outdoor classroom. This week they used their mathematical knowledge of percentages to solve profit and loss problems. Way to go girls, we are very impressed. (more…)

Poetry Anthology

Updated: 9th Feb 2022

Ms. Solich’s class have been creating some lovely pieces of poetry. They have been thinking about rhyming words and have used their editing skills to finalise their poems. The boys and girls look very pleased with their efforts! (more…)

Sixth Class Penpals

Updated: 9th Feb 2022

Ms. Kiely’s and Mrs. O’Regan’s sixth class girls, have been busy putting their letter writing skills to good use. They have teamed up with a school in Dublin and will exchange penpal letters during the rest of the school year. What a lovely idea! (more…)

Interactive Learning

Updated: 9th Feb 2022

We are very fortunate here in St. Mary’s to have close to forty ipads available for the children to use. They younger classes can learn phonics and blending through games. The middle classes can learn tables and other maths concepts through fun apps. While the older classes, can use them for research purposes and creating books. (more…)

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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