St. Mary's Primary School


Wellness Week in 5th Class

Updated: 6th Feb 2023

Ms. Power’s Class helped to remind us that physical activity and the outdoors has so many health benefits for us all!


Wellness Week in Junior Infants

Updated: 3rd Feb 2023

Ms. Cleary’s Class enjoyed their time in the local playground and had great fun together. (more…)

Wellness Week in Senior Infants

Updated: 3rd Feb 2023

Ms. Kiely’s Class certainly had a fantastic week, taking part in many activities that promote wellness. Looks like they had great fun!

Wellness Week in Junior Infants

Updated: 3rd Feb 2023

Ms. Dwane’s Class had plenty of exercise and excitement during the week, with their trip to the playground and their Hula Hoop Class. (more…)

Wellness Week in St. Mary’s PS

Updated: 3rd Feb 2023

We are coming to the end of a fabulous week here in St. Mary’s PS. We focused on different ways and different things that can help to keep us well and happy in our lives. The children thoroughly enjoyed their week and there is an air of positivity and contentment around the school.
We would like to thank Mrs. Barry and her hard working committee for facilitating all that took place during the week.

Christmas in Ms. Harty’s Senior Infants

Updated: 21st Dec 2022

The children have been extremely busy during the month of December. They have taken part in Aistear, made lots of nice things in art, made reindeer food, read stories and even had a visit from Santa! We hope they enjoy the Christmas break and a visit from Santa!

A Visit From Santa

Updated: 21st Dec 2022

Third Class enjoyed meeting Santa today, as he took a little time out from his busy schedule to meet all the children in St. Mary’s. (more…)

December in 5th and 6th Class

Updated: 21st Dec 2022

It has been a busy time of the year for our Senior classes. They have been completing various activities and taking part in many events. I’m sure they will enjoy the Christmas break and a visit from Santa! (more…)

Christmas in First Class

Updated: 21st Dec 2022

First Class thoroughly enjoyed all the activities throughout the month of December; baking, art, music, a visit from Santa and lots more in between. We hope they enjoy their rest and a visit from Santa! (more…)

Christmas in Junior Infants

Updated: 21st Dec 2022

Ms. Kiely, Ms. Dwane and Ms. Cleary’s classes have had a fun filled December, completing many activities and going on various outings. They will certainly enjoy the break and a visit from Santa!

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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