St. Mary's Primary School


Ancient Greece

Updated: 18th May 2023

Sixth Class recently studied Ancient Greece during their history classes. They completed fantastic projects on it and presented their work to the rest of the class. Well done girls!


Junior Infants

Updated: 18th May 2023

Ms. Kiely’s Junior Infants went to Dungarvan Library during the week. They met Ragnall, the library mascot, and all the welcoming staff in the library. They relaxed and read some fabulous books. They are already looking forward to their next trip!

Junior Infants

Updated: 18th May 2023

Ms. Kiely’s Junior Infants have been learning all about the Life Cycle of the Frog. (more…)

Junior Infants Visit the Garden Centre

Updated: 18th May 2023

Junior Infants paid a visit to our local Garden Centre recently. Malachy, the horticulturist, talked to the children about growing flowers and vegetables. Every child potted their own seeds, which they brought back to the classroom. They received a lovely gift of a birdhouse for our school garden. Thanks very much, it will look great!

Library Visit

Updated: 18th May 2023

Ms. Harty’s Senior Infants recently visited Dungarvan Library. They recalling enjoyed browsing the fantastic selection of books and even listened to a story read by Sarah. I’m sure they will become regular visitors from now on.

Inside Out Day

Updated: 7th May 2023

Last Friday, pupils and staff wore their clothes inside out for our Inside Out Day. We were all reminded that sometimes how we look on the outside may not reflect how we’re feeling on the inside. If this is the case, it’s important to talk to a family member, friend and/or teacher as help and support is always there.

Life on the Farm

Updated: 29th Apr 2023

Senior Infants have been learning all about life on the farm and decided to produce their own butter. They sampled some on crackers and all agreed it was just delicious! (more…)

STEAM in Dungarvan College

Updated: 29th Apr 2023

The pupils of St. Mary’s thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Dungarvan College during the week to explore various activities in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. A huge thanks to Jason Ryan and all in Dungarvan College for hosting such a fabulous day! (more…)

Active Schools Week 2023

Updated: 29th Apr 2023

The children of St. Mary’s had a fantastic time during Active Schools Week taking part in a variety of activities. Massive thanks to Ms. Harty for organising this very enjoyable week which highlights the importance of being physically active every day of the year for at least 60 minutes. This can be achieved in a variety of different ways, as is highlighted by the photographs. (more…)

Fourth Class

Updated: 14th Apr 2023

What shenanigans are going on in 4th Class???? All will be revealed in the near future! (more…)

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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