St. Mary's Primary School


Toy Show 2023

Updated: 24th Nov 2023

Ms. Kiely’s Senior Infants are Toy Show ready after having their own Toy Show today. They took pictures of their favourite toys and while talking about their toys, the children enjoyed lovely treats. Enjoy the show! (more…)

Toy Show 2023

Updated: 24th Nov 2023

Ms. Harty’s Senior Infants are Toy Show ready after bringing in their favourite toys today for Show and Tell. Enjoy! (more…)

Peace Proms 2024

Updated: 19th Nov 2023

5th and 6th Class had a wonderful day practising for the upcoming Peace Proms in the SETU Arena last Friday. They sounded fantastic and can’t wait to perform with a full orchestra in March! (more…)

Science Week in First Class

Updated: 19th Nov 2023

The children in First really enjoyed doing various activities during Science Week. (more…)

Science Week in Senior Infants

Updated: 19th Nov 2023

There was great excitement in Senior Infants this week for Science Week as they conducted many experiments and explored magnetism. (more…)

Science Week in Junior Infants

Updated: 19th Nov 2023

There was great excitement in Ms. Dwane’s Class this week for Science Week.


Science Week 2023

Updated: 16th Nov 2023

The pupils of St. Mary’s were very lucky to be invited to Dungarvan College last Friday for a Science Show, hosted by Dr. Ken. The girls thoroughly enjoyed it and would like to say a big thanks to all involved in organising the event, especially Mr. Ryan.

St. Mary’s Football Team

Updated: 16th Nov 2023

Well done to this fantastic group of girls who played in their semi final recently and lost out by the narrowest of margins. Keep up the good work girls and a big thanks to their coaches, Ms. Hyslop, Mr. Veale and Ms. Baumann.

Ms. Hodnett’s Third Class

Updated: 16th Nov 2023

Ms. Hodnett’s Class had a lovely time during their visit to Dungarvan Library recently. The girls enjoyed discovering new books and spending some time reading them. (more…)

Debating Team 2023

Updated: 16th Nov 2023

Well done to our fantastic debating team who were successful in their first debate of the year, under the guidance of Ms. Kiely. We wish them the very best of luck as they move forward on to Round 2!

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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