St. Mary's Primary School


Senior Outdoor Classroom

Updated: 16th May 2021

Inspired by the junior outdoor classroom, the sixth class girls set about creating theirs. They are in the early stages but are enjoying the challenge. They wrote some beautiful poetry and attached it to the tree. To brighten up the place, they recycled plastic bottles to make flowers. They used bright colours to decorate these. Keep an eye out for the next phase!  (more…)

Junior Outdoor Classroom

Updated: 23rd May 2021

Our junior outdoor classroom has come about thanks to our wonderful caretaker Jonathan, Miss Healy and Miss Smith. Jonathan worked tirelessly to transform this outdoor space. He began by clearing the area and then painting it so as to brighten it up.  He then made an enclosed pergola where the children can read. (more…)

Banana Bread

Updated: 16th May 2021

Miss Smith’s class got to bake banana bread from scratch. They mixed the ingredients together in a bowl. While it was baking, there was a wonderful aroma in the long corridor. Once it had cooled, the got to enjoy the delicious banana bread. (more…)

Farmer Duck

Updated: 16th May 2021

Miss Healy’s class recently finished their class novel, Farmer Duck. They enjoyed reading the story and loved the illustrations. Here they are pictured below with their favourite illustration. (more…)

Senior Infants Make Butter

Updated: 16th May 2021

Have you ever wondered how butter is made? Making butter by hand can be hard work, but senior infants were up for the challenge! They put cream into a jar and shook it until the liquid separated from the butter. They got to taste the fruits of their labour on cream crackers. Yum, yum! (more…)

Karate with Fourth Class

Updated: 16th May 2021

Miss Mansfield brought in her karate suit and belts to show her class during Active School Week. She told the class how she became involved in taking karate lessons and explained how she achieved each of the belts. The girls were delighted to get to try on her belts. (more…)

Feel Good Friday

Updated: 30th Apr 2021

Day five and the final day of Active School Week was titled Feel Good Friday. The classes got involved in a range of activities on the day from bubble discos to football coaching, yoga to athletics. Congratulations to all the teachers and pupils who made it a very successful week. The feedback from the children was overwhelmingly positive and they are looking forward to ASW 2022 already! (more…)

Take On The Teacher Thursday

Updated: 29th Apr 2021

Day four of Active School Week was Take On The Teacher. Most of the classes chose to do a penalty shootout. Great fun was had, trying to score a goal against the teacher. We have some skillful strikers in our midst. Well done to all those who managed to defeat their teacher! (more…)

Walking Wednesday

Updated: 28th Apr 2021

Day three of our Active School Week was titled Walking Wednesday. Classes were asked to walk around our school grounds using the Active School Walkway or to venture outside the gates along the seashore. The children were asked to walk and talk or to take part in a mindfulness walk. Along the mindfulness walk, the boys and girls were asked to use their senses. What can they see, hear, smell and touch? The children enjoyed being outdoors once again. Well done to all the classes who took part. (more…)

Food Dudes

Updated: 27th Apr 2021

All the pupils in St. Mary’s are taking part in a healthy eating programme called Food Dudes. It gives the children an opportunity to try new fruit and vegetables. It will run for 10 weeks and the boys and girls will receive an award and a certificate at the end. Thank you to Ms. Power for organising. (more…)

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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