St. Mary's Primary School


Junior Infants On Tour

Updated: 15th Jun 2021

Junior infants had a school tour with a difference this year. They stayed local and enjoyed a playground tour. They started out at Abbeyside playground and enjoyed a picnic in the park afterwards. Following that, they walked over to the Dungarvan playground where they were treated to icepops. Everybody had a great day out with their friends! (more…)

Mini Sports Day

Updated: 17th Jun 2021

At the third time of asking, the weather obliged and we got to hold a mini Sport’s Day. What a glorious day it turned out to be! The star attractions were the obstacle course and the novelty races, which included the egg and spoon race and the sack race. The children enjoyed lots of other activities including playground games, yoga, rounders and the parachute. Here’s to next year! (more…)

The Return Of Coaching

Updated: 14th Jun 2021

With the easing of covid restrictions, Barry Dunne was able to visit us for the first time this year. The classes were delighted to take part in the football sessions. He eased the children in, by playing lots of fun games and kept their attention for the teaching of the skills. Thanks to Barry and we’ll see you again next week! (more…)

Ice Cream Treat

Updated: 14th Jun 2021

After our sponsored walk, the children were treated to an ice cream. There was huge excitement in the playground as the two vans pulled in. The younger boys and girls were in total shock at this splendid surprise. Some of them are looking for a repeat visit and who could blame them! (more…)

Sponsored Walk

Updated: 14th Jun 2021

Due to covid restrictions, instead of our usual Rainbow Run, we decided to have a sponsored walk. There were two routes, a short route for the infants and a longer route for older children. It was so nice to get out and about in the fresh air. Thank you to everyone who sponsored the children on the day. (more…)

Fun With Friends

Updated: 14th Jun 2021

The boys and girls from Ms. Carroll-Lawler’s class got to catch up with their friends from Ms. Healy’s. They had great fun outside in the grass area and can’t wait to meet up again. (more…)

Senior Outdoor Classroom

Updated: 15th Jun 2021

Final touches have been added to our senior outdoor classroom. With the help of Mrs O’ Regan, Mrs. Barry, Ms. Hickey and  Mrs. Hogan the sixth class girls have transformed this outdoor space.  It is in high demand everyday especially during this beautiful spell of weather. Long may it continue! (more…)

Maths Puzzle

Updated: 8th Jun 2021

Ms. Smith posed a maths puzzle to her class. The two maths brain boxes who solved the puzzle were Ned and Nicola. Congrats guys. I hear they even outsmarted some teachers in solving the puzzle in a quicker time!

Alphabet Countdown To Summer Holidays

Updated: 13th Sep 2021

Ms. Healy’s class have been enjoying an alphabet countdown to Summer holidays. The boys and girls take part in an extra fun activity each day that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Can’t wait to see next weeks activities! (more…)

May, The Month Of Mary

Updated: 8th Jun 2021

As with our long standing tradition of remembering Mary during the month of May, second and sixth classes took part in a scaled down version of our May procession. Both classes sang some beautiful hymns about Mary accompanied by Ms. McGrath on guitar. Mary was crowned by Amy from sixth class. Senior infants visited the grotto out on the Youghal Road and remembered Mary by praying to her. Well done to everyone! (more…)

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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