St. Mary's Primary School


Senior Infants

Updated: 26th May 2024

Ms. Harty’s Senior Infants enjoyed a trip to the playground in the beautiful sunshine. Great to see the boys and girls having fun in the sun. (more…)

Camogie Team

Updated: 19th May 2024

Well done to our school camogie team who took part in a blitz last week. The girls played some great camogie and put in a tremendous effort. Keep up the great work girls!

Irish History Live

Updated: 19th May 2024

Our school was very fortunate last week to have a visit from Michael Moylan of Irish History Live. Michael helped the children learn about various eras of history using his many artefacts and reinactments. The children thoroughly enjoyed this experience. Thanks to Mrs. Barry for organising this event.

Maths and Chats

Updated: 19th May 2024

Maths and Chats continues this week in Senior Infants. Thanks to all the parents who come in to help out with this initiative, the children are thoroughly enjoying it.

Athletics 2024

Updated: 19th May 2024

The pupils of St. Mary’s PS represented their school with distinction at the School Sports last Thursday evening. Well done to all those that participated and best of luck to those who qualified for the next round. Thanks to Ms. Harty for preparing the children for this event.

Active School Week 2024

Updated: 8th May 2024

St. Mary’s was a hive of activity for our annual Active School Week, when we place a bigger than usual emphasis on the importance of being active every single day. The variety of activities demonstrated the many ways we can incorporate activity into our everyday lives. A massive thanks to Ms. Harty for organising these events and to the students and teachers who took part so enthusiastically!

Stardome Experience

Updated: 7th May 2024

MTU Blackrock Castle Observatory brought their Portable Planetarium to St. Mary’s recently. It is an outreach astronomy tool and allowed the children to observe the wonders of the night sky within our own school. Such a wonderful experience!! Thanks to Ms. Hickey for organising this wonderful event.

St Mary’s Primary School,
Youghal Rd, Dungarvan,
Co. Waterford

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